Random Thoughts

My son worked his first shift as a Greensboro firefighter on Monday. I could not be happier for him or more proud of how hard he worked to get to this point. It was a ton of hard work and sacrifice.

This morning I passed by Barry’s empty/open suitcase. Beside his fancy, professional-grade travel bag was a few pieces of clothing stacked neatly (of course) with a Viterra ball cap on top. I am ready for that suitcase to be banished to the hall closet with the rest of the stuff we don’t use very often.

After a quick breakfast in their luxurious night-time accommodations, Thelma and Louise run to the goat yard (will have to sort out the official name for that later) where they hang out for the majority of the day. But recently I’ve started expanding their world. I put their halters on and take them into the south pasture. I think I’ll eventually be able to walk with them - sans halter - once they get used to the routine.

I am digging the change in routine as much as they are. Each day they get a little more comfortable and will let me get further away. Louise always keeps her eye on me while Thelma completely forgets she has a herd moma. But when they decide I’m too far away they run towards me and it swells my heart right up - and makes me laugh.

“Earth is so thick with divine possibility that it is a wonder we can walk anywhere without cracking our shins on altars.” An Altar in the World by Barbara Brown Taylor

Last week I was driving home from a yoga class in High Point. As I was stopped at a light on Main St, a young man pulled up beside me on my passenger side and motioned for me to roll my window down. He had a large, bright smile on his face. I rolled down my window (and NOT with a welcoming, friendly smile on my face) cause I just knew he would ask for money. He said, “I’m dying to know what your license plate means. Is it Goat Buggy or Goat Boogie?” When I told him, he said, “I knew it!” and drove away laughing.

I was transformed. Bless him.

It’s buggy but I like boogie.


Have a spectacular Thanksgiving.

Sending you buckets of love with a big splash of gratitude.

Vikki Brandstetter