The Search

Have you ever heard “the universe is on a lag”? I was introduced to the idea by my friend and coach Andee Scarantino.
There isn’t much in the wide world of life lessons that hasn’t been unlocked, discussed, written about, argued over or ignored. You know the ones I’m talking about - how to be a good human, how to play pretty, take care of and love yourself, be fearless, be present, don’t judge others, why am I like this? ….the basics. There are an infinite number of brilliant people writing books and blogs and creating podcasts, putting out their version of how to win at life. We, or at least I do, hear different versions of the big life lessons. Constantly. Similar schools of thought are wrapped differently and taught with varied perspectives. All are valuable, even if they don’t make it past my forehead. But as long as I am looking and listening, I believe lessons are absorbed when they are heard over and over in different versions or forms. I might not even know it or be aware that I am taking it in. Some versions don’t stick or are blocked and others hit the bullseye. Maybe there are some I’m not ready for. Maybe there are some that I refuse to acknowledge because I’m not ready to even think about the work required to change. The ones that made it past the initial entry point keep getting washed down inside me and as long as I keep paddling my ass off and churning up the water over and over, they “get learned.” That’s my interpretation - lessons from the universe don’t always show up immediately. It might take months or years for them to take hold.

I actually love the search for meaning and new perspectives. Do I love it because constantly searching keeps me from changing? Maybe. Is it possible I have an addiction? If so, I can say I have come across a few nuggets of knowledge that would not have entered my mind if I had not been on the hunt.

Once I discovered I no longer agreed with a couple big ass beliefs that I lived with for decades, I had to start regularly asking myself - Is this for real? Is that true? How can that be? Could I be WRONG????

I love looking for answers and at views of the world totally foreign to mine. It’s a brave new world when we try looking at it with an open mind and are able to question everything. We have permission to ask questions.

I’m going to keep searching, paddling, focusing on the light, living in the moment and learning as much and as long as I am able.

Podcast coming out soon. If you are following the podcast you’ll get a notification from Apple or Spotify. I won’t be sending out an announcement. I might mention it on instagram, cause I won’t be able to help myself.

Buckets of love to all y’all. Ask some questions. Take care of yourselves.

Vikki Brandstetter