Life Happens

Picture this: You are high on your mountain. You’ve fought battles to be where you are. Happiness is flowing thru every muscle and nerve, the sun is shining, your people are healthy and full of hugs and smiles, bills are paid, no leaks in the roof and flowers are BLOOMING. That’s my idea of being at the top of my game.

That isn’t the time to think, “this ain’t gonna last” or “I wonder when the shit is going to hit the fan” or “do I even deserve this kind of happiness”.

It won’t last, the shit will hit the fan and yes EVERYONE deserves finding peace and happiness. That’s the way of the world. Ebbs and flows, highs and lows, the tide is in the tide is out.

Sucking in all that goodness on top of the mountaintop is just as important as sitting with the suck when it’s nearly impossible to believe what has happened. We always want to see the end of it – where the light is shining – we want to get there and forget the awful – blow right past sadness and devastation.

Be here now. Live in the moment you’ve got right now. Presence. Breathe it all in. Even that awfulness. We can’t wiggle our nose and bypass it. It’s happening. How do I live right now? Breathe in and out. Love. Hugs. Prayers. Faith in a power greater than me. Accept I am not in control of anything except how I react. I’m gonna cry and be pissed off and feel broken.

Everything we go through strengthens us for what comes next. The good stuff helps us through bad times and the bad times are get through-able because we know from experience that good times will come again.

It’s the circle of life.

And we are walking shoulder to shoulder with everyone else that is living in the same circle

This is me - top of my game with the beloved and world famous Goober Peas. 🙏🏼

Vikki Brandstetter