Two Levels of Recognizing Awesomeness

The Golden Goat Award “system” consists of two levels to formally recognize awesomeness, excellence, magnificence or fabulousness. Sometimes thank-you isn’t enough when you encounter the extraordinary. Lucky for you I’ve come up with a couple ways to elevate your appreciation for the fandamntastic. As always, you are welcome.

The first level of award is covered by our square business cards. These are carried in your wallet, glove box or purse and provide a way to instantly show your appreciation. It’s nearly effortless. This is the perfect device for applauding the efforts of anyone who is knocking it outta the park. Think about all the people you come in contact with during the week; wait staff, grocery and drugstore cashiers, hotel staff, flight attendants, cable technician, bank teller, gardeners, nurses, photographers, trash collectors, teachers, etc, etc, etc. Elevate your appreciation with a Golden Goat card.

The second level is what I call “Military-Grade” recognition. This is for a business that exemplifies exceptional service or an organization that is impacting the community or improving lives. It could be awarded to someone that volunteers their time and talents. There is a simple nomination process that starts with an email and ends with a shiny Golden Goat. The trophy will be presented or it can be shipped. It will include a hand written note with a flowery statement of recognition and two Golden Goat cards. The awardee might have noticed someone extraordinary.

It’s a beautiful thing to recognize awesomeness and encourage the hell out of it.

Remember - you ALWAYS have the POWER to tell someone you’ve noticed their awesomeness.

Send me an email at or on instagram @therustedbucketproject if you want to know more or have someone to recognize. We will have a big ol’ time creating a junta of recognition for your person.

I just started playing around with substack which is absolutely on brand for a shiny girl - just saying. I am going to send you an email from that account. I will send it today and it will look pretty much like this. Same content. I apologize if you don’t like being used for research but I am 98.99% sure you can easily opt out/unsubscribe if it’s more than you want. I’m trying to find the best fit for all that I want to share. It’s so much. I’m such a giver -right? 😂

Thanks in advance.
Buckets of love to all y’all.

You are awesome.

Vikki Brandstetter